Get ready to go!

Getting ready to go!
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And the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the second time, saying… — Jonah 3:1

There are many times in my life I remember getting ready to go somewhere. There have been several occasions when I was getting ready to go on a vacation. Many of those times I was excited, often ready in advance of the trip and ready to go before others. It was one of the times I was excited.

Then, there are the times when it is not so exciting to go. I remember the times when my parents might tell me to go do something when I was younger. Or perhaps moments when my wife reminds me to do something that I really don’t want to do. There are times that not listening may cross our minds. But that’s not always the best course of action.

That’s what Jonah learned. God spoke to him and told him to go to Ninevah. But Jonah didn’t want to go to Ninevah. Instead of listening to God, Jonah decided to go in a different direction. When God said get ready to go, Jonah said no!

If we are all honest, we all do this at times with God. There are times when God speaks to us, telling us to do something and we simply do not listen. Maybe God wants us to share our testimony with someone. Perhaps He puts it on our hearts to share kindness, love, or compassion. But for some reason, we choose to say no.

In this verse, Jonah had a second chance. But we are not guaranteed a second chance. Rather than missing the opportunity, our response when God says get ready to go should be to grab our shoes and get moving!

Has God spoken to you about doing something? Did He tell you to get ready and go, but maybe you haven’t listened? Instead of running from God, listen to His voice and follow Him. Don’t wait for Him to put you in a situation to get your attention like He did Jonah.

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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