Treasure amid decay

Treasure amid decay
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But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. — 2 Corinthians 4:7

One thing that has always interested me is looking a coins. For example, I love to walk around and look at old coins. Gold coins, silver coins, no matter what they may be are fascinating to me. They always show an amazing history about how our society has developed over the course of time.

Some years ago, I had the opportunity to visit a museum that was filled with coins from shipwrecks. As I was looking at the coins, I remember seeing a video that was playing in the corner. The video shows the treasure hunters with their diving equipment as they searched for the coins. Many of the coins that were in the museum had been discovered amid sunken, decaying ships on the ocean floor.

The ships weren’t designed to last forever. They were built out of material that decays. But the coins were made with precious metal. Sure, the appearance of the coins might change on the outside. They may scuff or tarnish, but the metal on the inside remained the same. They were a real treasure!

Our earthly bodies were never designed to last forever. They were just temporary, but Paul reminds us it is not the vessel that matters, but the treasure! We have a treasure inside. The treasure of the gospel, of Jesus Christ our Savior. Our bodies may decay, but the treasure lasts forever.

Our vessels all come in different shapes and sizes. Maybe your vessel has started decaying. The aches and pains of getting older, or the health problems that may arise. But remember the vessel was never designed to last forever. The treasure on the inside is what matters!

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