Terrors and Arrows

Terrors and Arrows
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Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day. — Psalm 91:5

There are many times in life when we go about our day and something seems to happen. Perhaps the day starts off well. Maybe the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and soon, the day takes a turn for the worse. Perhaps the storms set in, the winds begin to blow, and what seemed to be a good day has now turned dark.

While that can certainly happen with the weather as I described, it seems to happen so often in our daily lives. Perhaps we start out having a good day, but something happens. An accident happens, a sickness happens, tragedy strikes, or unexpected circumstances arise. It turns what seemed to be a great day into a dark day.

While it can often seem like the things that terrorize our lives may happen at night, there are so many times it seems to happen right in the middle of a day. It makes me think about the statement of the Psalmist here about the arrow. Someone was going about their business and soon, an arrow strikes.

But we don’t have to fear the things that may happen at night, or the arrows that may arise during our days. It isn’t because the terrors will not try to come into our lives. Instead, we don’t have to fear because of the God we have protecting us! The Psalmist described it as being in the shadow of the Almighty in verse 1.

What are you afraid in life? Are you concerned about circumstances or events? Maybe sickness or tragedy has struck and you are afraid. Be of faith and take courage in God. He is keeping you in shadow of the Almighty. Though the terrors and arrows may come, He will take care of you!

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