Something special about a mother

Something special about a mother
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My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother. — Proverbs 1:8

One thing that I have learned over the course of life is that everyone has a unique perspective. Not everyone sees things in life the same way that I do. People come from different backgrounds, valuing different things in life, and seeing things from their own point of view. The things that we are taught as we are younger help shape our viewpoints as we move into our adult lives.

In our current society, it has become evident the importance of parents in the home. But not all parents contribute to the good of their child in the future. Some children come from abusive home situations, homes without parents, or even homes where they are neglected and ignored. Children need role models to help them learn right from wrong.

In this verse of Proverbs, we are reminded of the importance of the instruction of parents, but specifically the “law” of a mother. The one who sets the guard rails for the child. The one who, traditionally, helps nurture and raise a child. It is not devaluing the place of a father, as the father is obviously mentioned. But there is something special about a mother.

Perhaps you can reflect back on your own mother today. Whether they are living or have passed on, don’t forget the things they taught you. Maybe you are a mother. Are you teaching your children according to God’s purpose and plan? After all, there is something special about a mother.

No matter the situation, we can all be thankful for having a mother. Maybe they were not perfect, and they may have not provided a lot to your life. But they were the mother that God gave you for a purpose. There’s something special about a mother.

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