Finding peace with others

Finding peace with others
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For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us. — Ephesians 2:14

I will never forget growing up with a brother and sister. While my sister and I were close in age, my brother was several years younger. This meant that me and my sister would often disagree and fight over ridiculous things. I was the typical boy, and I would aggravate her at every turn. She was the typical sister, and she would tell my parents and get me in trouble every time.

But there was one thing that united us above all that. You let anyone pick on my sister, make fun of her, or aggravate her, and I was going to defend her. That was my place, not anyone else’s. We were family, and while she might have gotten on my nerves at times, nothing would change that fact.

One of the most challenging things that we can do in life is to find peace between ourselves and others. We all think differently, we all act differently, and we all have our own perspectives. That leads to disagreements and potential strife between ourselves and those around us.

But the words of this verse ring very true. In Jesus, we should all be united. In Jesus, we can find peace between ourselves and others. For our relationships with fellow Christians, He should be the common ground. For those who are not fellow believers, He is the example we should follow.

Nothing will eliminate the potential disagreements and strife in this life. There will always be times when we may disagree, lacking peace in a situation or circumstance. But for Christians, we can find peace in our Savior—the one who gave us the perfect example of how to deal with others.

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