Finding yourself dirty

Finding yourself dirty
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Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.  — Psalm 51:10

My wife and I have always loved having our pets in our home. Soon after we were married, we got our first dog. He was a wonderful dog that we loved for many years. A couple of years later, we added another dog. They were best friends. But they always got into mischief together.

The second dog was probably the worst. They would wander around the yard, finding any possible dirt, and immediately she would get into it. She would roll in it, play in it, run through it, and anything else you could possibly imagine. There were so many times she would come back into the house and need a bath after just a few minutes outside.

I don’t know about you, but I often feel the same way with things in this world. Take just a few moments at the store, and you will see and hear more filth than you could ever imagine. Walk down the street, and you will hear vile language, witness outright and open sin, and so much more.

But sometimes, we can find ourselves getting caught up in the filth of the world. Maybe we didn’t mean to, but we still find ourselves dirty. Our hearts are filled, our minds are clogged, and we can often find ourselves needing to be cleansed like David in this Psalm.

If you examine your heart and mind today, do you find yourself dirty? Do you see places where you have been caught up in the filth of the world? It can happen, but thankfully, our God specialized in cleaning things up! He can help you clean your heart and mind, setting you back on the right path.

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