When God gets your attention

When God gets your attention
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The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back. — Isaiah 50:5

When I was younger, I knew when my dad meant business. Like any kid, I was often one to refuse to listen. I would find ways to drive my parents crazy doing various things. But there would come a point when I could hear the tone in my dad’s voice. I knew that he was done with my refusal to listen to him. He wanted my attention and wanted me to stop doing what I was doing.

I see the same thing in my son now. Like most kids, he will test the limits of what he can get away with. He will ignore things we say because they are not what he wants to hear. But there comes a point when the rebellious behavior must be dealt with, and he hears that in my voice.

There are times when any parent must get their children’s attention, and the same goes for our Heavenly Father. Isaiah described a time when God opened his ear, and he described his response. He was not rebellious and didn’t turn away from what God told him. He knew that God meant business!

Each of us faces moments such as this in our lives. Sometimes we are rebellious, perhaps ignoring what God really wants us to do. We go about our lives until that moment comes when God gets our attention. How we respond in these moments is crucial.

Is God trying to get your attention? Perhaps He has been talking to you, guiding you, and wanting to point you in the right direction. But if you do not listen, there will come a moment when God gets your attention. It’s much easier to listen before those moments of reckoning. But if you are facing that moment in your life, will you listen to Him?

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