Full of troubles

Full of troubles
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For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave. — Psalm 88:3

Have you ever been in a situation where it seems that issue after issue comes into your life? Several years ago, I remember that type of point in my life. I was having some challenges navigating issues at my job. My wife and I had just found out that the baby we were expecting had been lost. It seemed that every day I woke up, something new was coming into my life, causing me problems.

There are certainly times in life when it seems that things come on us relentlessly. Just when you think you may get over one of them, another happens. In those moments, it can feel like your life is full of troubles, as the psalmist writes here in Psalm 88.

But the second half of the verse catches my attention. The psalmist writes that he felt his life drawing near to the grave. In other words, he was saying, “God, if I don’t find some relief soon, I feel as though I’m going to die.” Some authors believe this would indicate some type of physical or medical condition of the psalmist that plagued him. Either way, the psalmist was at the end of his rope.

But one thing is for certain. When the psalmist felt as though life was full of troubles and would overtake him without relief, he took it to the right place! He didn’t run to his best friend, family, neighbor, or coworker. Instead, he took his troubles straight to God.

Do you feel as though your life is full of troubles at times?  Does it feel that if you do not get relief, the troubles may overtake you? Maybe it isn’t so much trouble in life as much as it is a medical condition or physical condition that causes you pain or heartache.

It’s so reassuring to know that we serve a God who loves us and cares for us. He is always willing to listen, and He wants us to trust Him for help in the midst of our troubles. Don’t take your problems anywhere else; take them to God! He is the best help when your life seems full of trouble.

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