Never be ashamed

Never be ashamed
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O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me. — Psalm 25:2

It was always interesting as I went around the small town my dad was from in North Carolina. The small town only had a couple thousand residents, and everyone knew everyone. As I met people around town who perhaps I did not know, they would often ask me who I was. When I told them my name, they would ask me who my parents were and grandparents.

On one such occasion, I remember a man asking me about my grandfather. His statement back to me caught me off guard. He told me, “I don’t know if I would claim being related to him. I have no use for him or any of your family.” He went on to describe an incident where he felt mistreated by my grandfather. While I certainly would disagree with his perspective of what happened, it did not change the fact that I was proud of who I was. I was proud of my grandfather, his legacy, and the heritage of my family.

In this verse, David says he doesn’t want to be ashamed. David never wanted to be ashamed of being a child of God. He never wanted to be ashamed of placing his trust in God. If he was ever challenged, David wanted to stand firm and proclaim boldly that he was one of God’s children.

There are many circumstances in life where it is not popular to be a Christian. Take a stand against a hot cultural topic, like abortion, and you are instantly labeled. It has caused many Christians to become silent. While they may be thankful for their relationship with God on the inside, they are fearful of sharing it on the outside.

It doesn’t matter how tough times may get in this world, we should never be ashamed that we have put our faith in God. Others might call us foolish, lunatics, or even say that we should keep our opinions to ourselves. But we should stand firm in our faith and on the truth of God. We should never be ashamed to say who we really are. We should never be ashamed to call ourselves Christians.

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