Do you want to run away?

Do you want to run away?
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And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.  — Psalm 55:6

Have you ever wanted to run away? There have been many times in my life when I have dealt with numerous trials and situations of life that make me wish I could just run away from them. There were times when work became extremely stressful. Times that felt as though they were too intense to overcome.

Or perhaps it was a family situation. Maybe a parent was a little difficult to deal with. Or perhaps a sibling was causing you stress or grief. Maybe a spouse was not communicating well and it was causing tension in your relationship. Perhaps you wondered if you could ever mend the relationship or even continue it into the future.

There have been times when a loved one has passed away, perhaps combining it with other things. I have heard many share stories about tragedies and how they seemed to compound in situations. They created a situation that seemed too intense to overcome. In many of these times I have heard the words, I wish I could just run away in search of rest.

David was certainly no stranger to these moments in life. He felt as though the situations of life were so intense that he could not find rest. He said here that he wished he could have wings like a dove and fly away. But life just doesn’t work that way.

A few verses later, David made a great statement. In my words, he says, “I can’t escape what’s going on, so I will put all my trust in the Lord.” You can’t escape life, but you can find comfort and rest. It’s not found in anything except from the Lord!

Maybe you are in one of those situations today where you wish you could just fly away. If not, chances are you will find yourself there again soon. In those moments, remember where the source of true rest is found. It isn’t in a bottle, a pill, or anything else this world has to offer. It can only be found in God!

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