He has conquered it all!

He has conquered it all!
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These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. — John 16:33

Do you ever have those days where it seems like everything you do just takes a bad turn? Perhaps you were expecting a good conversation or meeting and it did not go as planned. Perhaps you started the day out optimistic but that quickly faded after you started the day and an event or experience happened.

The truth is that every day Satan is attempting to push and drag us down. He wants us to live defeated and depressed. He wants us to forget that we serve an amazing God that is capable of handling any issue that we may face.

Jesus told the disciples that we would certainly have tribulation, or struggles, in this world. He knew it was a guarantee of life but He said that He came to give peace and cheer to the Christian.

Jesus shared that He spoke His words to give peace. He wanted them to bring comfort and rest to those who heard them and read them for centuries to come. He also wanted the disciples to rest assured that any tribulation that may be faced, He had already overcome!

Through His death on the cross, Jesus defeated sin and Satan once and for all. While we may struggle with the difficulties of life now because of the sinful nature of this world. Rest assured that they are only temporary. Our God has overcome and will deliver us too!

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