Jesus’ great example of dependability

Jesus' great example of dependability
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For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. — Matthew 9:20

Throughout my life, there have been many people who have put their faith in me at some point. For my friends, it was that I would be a confidant with whom to share their concerns and problems. I have been on many teams that put their faith in me to do my part of being the team.

Many times, I have also let those same people down. Not in all instances, but I realize I’m far from perfect and many times I have left people disappointed. On that same note, there are many times that others have disappointed me, too.

While no one is perfect, we have a great example that Jesus set forth in the Bible about being dependable. Those who came in contact with Jesus knew He would be honest, faithful, and do exactly what He said He would do. They knew that if they approached Him with their issue, He would heal them or take care of their issue.

Since we are all in this thing of life together, one of the greatest things we can do for our fellow Christians is to simply be there for them. To be dependable, faithful, honest, trustworthy, and true to our word. That is not to say that it is always easy to do.

Jesus gave us the perfect example to follow. We are not going to be perfect, but we should strive to do the best that we absolutely can. While we may never heal someone’s diseases, you never know what type of difference you may make in their lives just by being there.

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