Sharing the source of our freedom

The source of real freedom
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Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. — Romans 6:18

We hear a lot of talk about freedom in our world today. We hear politicians talk about protecting freedom. They talk about how they will protect our freedom, stand up for freedom, and fight for freedom. Obviously, the freedom that they talk about refers to the Constitution. The Constitution of the United States guarantees freedom of religion.

Any freedom that we have is important, especially the freedoms that we have been blessed to have in our nation. We should cherish these freedoms, stand for freedom, fight for freedom, and want to extend freedom to other nations around the world. But there’s one freedom that nothing in this world can provide.

That is the freedom from our sin. Romans 6:18 shares that we have been made free from sin, and that our lives are now dedicated to righteousness. We have been made free from sin. We are no longer bound by sin. Sin is no longer the master of our lives as that role has been submitted to Jesus Christ when we accept Him as Savior. It is that our sin debt has been paid in full and praise God we are no longer under the burden of sin!

The idea is that of a slave who has been emancipated from their owner. We were once completely consumed and owned by sin, but then we were set free by Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins on the cross. How wonderful the thought that we have been set free! As wonderful a thought as that is, there are those around us who have never experienced freedom. They have never experienced the freedom of this world, but more importantly, they have never experienced the freedom from sin that a Christian has.

That brings us back to that topic of being “servants to righteousness.” Have you shared your experience of freedom with anyone lately? Have you told someone about the amazing experience of being free from sin? There is one thing about freedom. If you truly experience freedom, you want everyone around you to experience that same freedom. But they may never experience that freedom if we do not share Christ with them. We must point others to the source of our freedom.

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