We can never reach our full potential in serving God when we refuse to deny ourselves.
Read moreDetailsInstead of searching for happiness in the things of this world, find it in God.
Read moreDetailsNo matter how high the mountain or challenging the storm in your life, they are all subject to the authority...
Read moreDetailsOur desire should be that God would use us and that we are willing to go when He asks.
Read moreDetailsWe can never repay the debt we owe for God bringing us out of sin.
Read moreDetailsGod's mercy continues, and His compassion never fails. He has been faithful before and will continue to be faithful.
Read moreDetailsYou can have all the wealth of this world, but without Jesus, do you really have anything at all?
Read moreDetailsOur desire should be that when others find us, they find us in Him!
Read moreDetailsAre the noisy distractions of the world catching your attention and causing you to lose your closeness to God?
Read moreDetailsSometimes we need a reminder about what lies ahead.
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