The ah ha moment

The ah ha moment
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And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. — Luke 23:42

Life has these interesting moments that I often call the “ah ha” moment. It’s the moment when something makes sense, or it clicks, for someone. I love to see my son when he has those moments. For example, there are times when he is working on putting some of his blocks together that he loves to play with. Sometimes, he may struggle to put them together or take them apart as he wants.

He will often study the information and try to figure it out himself. Then, there are moments when he brings them to me and asks me to help him with them. I realize that I cannot simply do everything for him. He must learn to do some things himself. So I take the time to explain it, and he has a moment where he finally understands how it works.

At other times in life, it was in working with employees and explaining processes and procedures. They didn’t always understand immediately. But after some discussion, they realized what I was saying and how it should work. They had the “ah ha” moment when it made sense.

As the thief hung on the cross beside Jesus, he could have said or done a lot of things. At that moment, before he drew his final breath, he had his “ah ha” moment. He realized that he didn’t need everything in this world, but he did need Jesus as Savior.

There are many moments that we will experience in life, but none are of more importance than the moment we realize that we need Jesus as our Savior. The challenge is what will we do with Jesus? Will we accept Him, or will we reject Him? If you have accepted Him as Savior, praise Him for that moment you realized you needed Him. If you haven’t accepted Him, will you accept Him today?

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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