For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. — Romans 8:18
For all the years that I have worked in healthcare, I have seen people suffer in a variety of ways. It can be challenging to see people at the worst moments of their life every day. There were many days I saw people where a car wreck changed their life forever. Sometimes, it wasn’t even their own fault; they were simply there.
Or perhaps they started having a medical difficulty that caught them by surprise. One moment, they were completely fine; the next, they were facing some sort of health issue. While these moments in life may catch us by surprise, they have never caught God by surprise. He knew each and every one that would come into our lives and the exact moment that they would.
That does not make the sufferings of this life easier necessarily. While it is comforting to know that God knows and is in control, there are many times we still deal with pain and suffering. But what does help is if we put things into perspective.
As Christians, we must remember that the things we endure in this life are only temporary. They may be painful, causing us to suffer in various ways now, but one day they will be gone. One day, we will be in heaven, and all the pain and suffering will be gone forever!
Maybe you are dealing with that pain and suffering today. Perhaps there is nothing in this world that will take it away. But one day, Heaven will! One day soon, we will find ourselves in the presence of God and all suffering, pain, and tears will be gone. Don’t let the sufferings of today keep you from seeing the glory that lies ahead!
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