Help in the faith

Help in the faith
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Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. — Romans 14:1

Many years ago, I remember several people who helped me in the faith. For example, there were many Sunday School teachers that I had throughout the years who helped me in many different ways. They weren’t afraid to share the truth found in God’s word so that I would hear it and grow from it. There were many different pastors who shared God’s word and helped me so much through the years.

As I was learning, they would take the time to explain things. They never pushed me aside. I was included because I had accepted Jesus as Savior. They knew it was important to have me around, learning and hearing the things of God. It helped me grow in faith and in the knowledge of God. But I saw something different just a few days ago.

I was scrolling social media when I saw someone who had posted sharing they had just accepted Jesus and that they needed guidance. Instead of taking the time to help someone and pointing them to scripture, they were almost attacked. Those who claimed to be Christians were not helping someone in the faith out of love.

Paul warned against this very thing here in Romans. He shared the importance of helping those who were weak in faith to come into the group, but not argue and fight over things. Instead, they were to be helped in the faith. Encouraged, guided, and strengthened. We are to point them in the right direction to learn.

When was the last time that we helped someone in the faith? Have we taken the time to answer questions for someone, point them in the right direction, and help them grow in faith? We live in an argumentative society. Christians will have no shortage of people who want to argue with them over things of God. Instead, let’s make it a point to help them as much as we can to strengthen their faith.

Across the world, Christians need the encouragement and strength that only God’s word can provide. We are focused on helping Christians find encouragement, develop stronger relationships with God, and help non-Christians accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Another Well Ministries is a non-profit ministry that relies on donations to continue its work. You can find out more about us and ways to support us here.

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