Abundantly Satisfied

Abundantly Satisfied
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They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures. — Psalm 36:8

I remember many years ago when buffets became popular. While we wouldn’t go out to eat all the time when I was young, occasionally, we might find our way to a buffet. Back then, it was an easy way for a family to eat and know that everyone was satisfied when they left. Of course, COVID certainly changed and hurt a lot of the buffet restaurants.

I’ll never forget walking in with my parents on several occasions and being told that I could have whatever I wanted from the buffet. I could eat all the pizza I could hold. At one, there were multiple types of food. I could have pizza one trip, pasta the next, or even chicken and vegetables if I desired.

The biggest problem is that I always walked away eating more than I ever truly needed. I wasn’t just satisfied with the meal that I had eaten, I was abundantly satisfied. There was no way I could hold anything else. Most of the time, I felt as though I might pop if I even tried to eat more.

As David writes here, he describes that same overly satisfied feeling, not with food, but with God! He said that there is a point in walking with God that you can be abundantly satisfied. It was the idea of being thoroughly saturated so that you couldn’t hold anything more.

Are you abundantly satisfied in God today? It doesn’t matter what you need, God has a rich supply. Need mercy? He has it. What about grace? He’s got more than you can ever need. Comfort? He is the great Comforter. Instead of walking around partially satisfied, our desire should be to walk with God abundantly satisfied in all that He has.

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