Sometimes good things need to be repeated

Sometimes good things need to be repeated
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Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! — Psalm 107:8

Throughout my life, I have found many times that I needed to repeat myself. In the past, I often found myself hesitant to speak up. Maybe I answered a question, but I was soft spoken or unsure of myself. In those times, I may have to repeat myself so I was heard. At work, I have found many times that I would need to repeat myself so that others may hear me or my instruction.

As a father, I have found many times that my son doesn’t seem to listen. There are many times I find myself repeating things. It is not that he doesn’t hear me, but many times he doesn’t want to. Even though I might be sharing good information or something important, he is still learning. Sometimes good things need to be repeated.

In this Psalm, these words are repeated 4 times. The psalmist starts off sharing the importance of giving thanks and praising God. But then the repetition of a desire for the praise of God for His goodness is mentioned. There was passion and importance behind what was being said.

If we look back on our lives, we can all say that God has been good. Sure, our lives may not be exactly as we would have wished. There have no doubt been challenges, difficulties, sickness, and sorrow. But could you imagine facing those things without God?

There is no mistake we are reminded multiple times the need to praise God for His goodness. Because truly He has been good to us all and is worthy of our praise! When was the last time that you praised Him for His goodness? Today, make it a point to praise Him. He is worthy! Even if you have praised Him recently, it’s a good thing and worth repeating!

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