Who are you gonna call on?

Who are you gonna call?
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In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran in the night, and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted. — Psalm 77:2

Over the past several years, there have been some attempts to recreate the classic movie “Ghostbusters.” The original movie was released in 1984 and is now known as a classic film. As with many other classic films, producers wanted to recreate it with new actors and try to capture the attentions of movie watchers around the world once again.

Whether you like the movie or not, chances are that you are familiar with the song made famous by the movie.  In the song, it describes what happens when someone sees a ghost and what they do in response. It asks the question, “who you gonna call?” With the suggestion the proper response is the Ghostbusters. But there are a few words that are often overlooked as part of that tune. It says something about not being afraid of a ghost.

The idea is that the Ghostbusters were present, and there was no reason to fear. They had it all under control just call on them. While the movie is fictitious, the concept they portray is something that should resonate easily with Christians. We have no reason to fear because we have God!

The Psalmist knew that in the times and moments of trouble, he could call on God. Night or day, sickness or health, good or bad, God was ready and willing to listen. He didn’t have to fear what this life may send his way, he had God on his side!

When those moments in your life come, who are you gonna call on? As a Christian, God is on your side. Why would you call on anyone else? The one who controls all is available and ready to listen to you. Don’t think you have to suffer, call on Him and let Him help you!

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