The half has not been told

The half has not been told
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And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. — John 21:25

I always laugh when I walk into my house, and my son has a story to tell. He gets his storytelling ability from his mother. They both get so excited to tell a story that you can hardly follow along. The story goes all over the place, bouncing from detail to detail as they look eagerly to see your excitement.

But when he is that excited to tell a story, there are a lot of times that he only tells half the story. There are the occasional details that are overlooked. Often, he is in such a big way of telling the story that he rushes to get to the end, and I am left confused.

I cannot help but think this is a similar situation to the writers of the gospels. They were seeing the miracles of Jesus. They were first-hand witnesses as He healed people and as He gave His life on the cross. Then, they were some of the chosen few to see Him after He rose from the dead.

John seems to say there are so many things we missed that the world could not contain the books that would be written. But if we look at what God does for us today, the same is true! All around us, God is working. He still performs miracles, caring for all His children in this world.

If someone were to start writing of all that God has done for us, it is true the world could not hold all the books that should be written. In other words, John is saying the half has not been told of all Jesus did. The same is true for what God does for each of us.

We can praise Him in all the moments we see His handiwork. But what about all the times He is doing things that we cannot see? We have an amazing God who loves us and cares for us more than we will ever know.

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