Two are better than one

Two are better than one
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Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. — Ecclesiastes 4:9

When I was in high school, I worked at a local retail store. I did a wide variety of things while I worked there. I ran the cash register, I stocked shelves, and I provided a lot of customer service. As part of that customer service, one of the big things I had to help do was load big boxes into cars. Customers would want to buy the items, but only if we could help them get them into the car.

There was a little sticker that was on the side of many of the boxes. It showed two people lifting the box. Anything that was over a certain size or weight was required to have this sticker in the store. It was a reminder to anyone that they should not attempt to lift or move the box without help.

Having help was a safety issue. No one wanted to be injured picking up boxes. But it also made the job easier for everyone involved. It made it so much easier to pick up the box, move the box, or even position the box. Two was certainly better than one.

God never designed our lives to be alone. From the beginning, God saw that Adam needed the companionship of Eve. He saw the need for family, friends, and relationships. Even when Jesus died and ascended, He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. Our lives were designed for companionship.

But our world has forced us into almost being alone. There is nothing wrong with technology, but so many times, we are stuck in our phones and computers rather than interacting with others around us. Our lives were designed around the concept of interacting with others because, truly, two are better than one.

We should take advantage of opportunities to interact with others. We should cherish every moment we can spend with our family, friends, and other loved ones around us. God designed our lives this way for a purpose, and it’s a great opportunity to show and share God’s perfect design.

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