Leaving no doubt

Leaving no doubt
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O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard. — Psalm 66:8

There are many times that I have to work hard to get my son’s attention. I’m thankful for his cochlear implants so he can hear me when I call his name. But often, he struggles with background noise and other distractions. Sometimes, the ambient noise is so loud that he just decides to take off his cochlear devices and enjoy the silence.

In those moments, it can be even more challenging to get his attention. Unless he feels a vibration or sees you making hand or arm gestures, he has no idea that you are trying to get his attention. I’ll often catch myself trying both at the same time, waving at him with my hands and calling his name loudly in hopes that I can get his attention.

It is often in those moments that I get some odd looks. People who do not realize he is deaf will often look and stare. They don’t understand the need to be so animated to get his attention. It is almost like they think I am crazy! But they know exactly who I am talking about and trying to get the point across to.

The Psalmist writes here to make the voice of God’s praise be heard. The people had something to praise God about. It was encouragement to be loud, animated even, in praise to God. In other words, they should leave no doubt about the God they were worshipping and praising!

If Christians were to praise God in this way, I wonder what might happen. Would people look at us as if we were crazy? Even if they did, our praise should leave no doubt about the one who we are worshipping and praising! Does your praise of God leave no doubt about who you are worshipping and praising?

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