Be a stable Christian

Be a stable Christian
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But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. — 1 Thessalonians 5:8

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to meet someone whom I was told I would find interesting. This person has done a lot of things in life. Many considered him a genius, but others considered him unstable. Ask him about some of the world’s most technical things, and he can probably teach a college course on it.

When I met him, I was immediately fascinated. He could explain some things that were well beyond my comprehension. But I noticed one thing about this person. I wouldn’t necessarily call him stable. His mind often went in millions of different directions. He quickly changed his mind, opinion, and beliefs. He didn’t value consistency; he craved constant change and chaos.

The truth is that our world is filled with unstable people. These people constantly change their ideas, minds, or beliefs. Instead of being met with someone that is consistent and certain, they are wavering. Just turn on the television and watch the news. You will see politicians and popular leaders (even church leaders) who change to fit what is popular.

Our world has enough instability without Christians being unstable, too. In this verse, we read the words “be sober.” We often align this as not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Instead, our understanding should be that we are stable. We are steadfast, without influence, and vigilant.

In a constantly wavering world, Christians should be the one source of stability that can be relied on. Instead of wavering to the world’s influences, we should be steadfast in our faith and vigilant for the cause of Christ. Are you a stable Christian? Are you wavering to the world’s influences, or are you steadfast in your faith and for the cause? The world needs us to be a stable Christian.

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