Forever secure

Forever secure
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And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. — John 10:28

As I sat during a bank presentation for the business that I worked for, I heard some pretty interesting offers. There were offers about interest rates, special perks, personalized service, and so much more. This place really wanted our business, it was obvious. They were rolling out all the stops to try and win our business.

As they presented, they came to one of the perks of doing business with them. It was their safety deposit box. They shared how the box was essentially secure forever. They said the vault was fireproof. It was described how valuables in the box would be protected from all the elements. Then, they described how secure their access policy was. No one had ever gotten into a box that wasn’t allowed to be there.

I have often reflected back on that proposal and how confident they were in their ability to keep something secure and safe. While it was quite impressive, it is not the most secure situation that I have ever heard of. In fact, that is described here in John 10:28.

As Jesus spake, He described the benefits of salvation. Not only were you forgiven of your sins, but you inherited eternal life. Not only inheriting of eternal life, but you would never perish. He goes one step further and describes the security. He describes that we are in His hand, and no one can pluck us out of it!

There are a lot of things in this life that may try to cause you to doubt your salvation. But there is nothing in this world that can change that. Once the blood has been applied, you are forever secure in Him! If you know Jesus as Savior, rejoice in this security today. If you have never accepted Jesus as Savior, you can enjoy the security that only He can provide.

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