A purpose to the test

A purpose to the test
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Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. — James 1:3

Having worked in healthcare for many years, I have met a large number of people in a lot of different settings. From families who were about to receive the miracle of childbirth, to those who just lost a loved one. But many times, the circumstances in which I met these people were a result of something out of their control. Perhaps it was a medical condition or traumatic event that they truly had no ability to control or stop.

It was on many of these occasions that I was able to hear from them about how they were making it through. I’ll never forget one circumstance where a patient was having a heart issue. He knew the issue was serious, but it came on him without warning. But throughout the entire situation, he was calm.

As we spoke, he shared with me that he knew that God had a purpose and plan for everything in his life. He knew that while he could very well be facing his last day here on Earth. But he also knew that if he were to make it, god was going to use this for a purpose.

We often talk about the things that come into our lives all have a purpose. So many times they test our faith and in some circumstances lead us to ask questions that we would never ask otherwise. Things like “Where is God” or “Why is God not doing something right now?”

I love the reminder here in James. While we can so often get distracted by the things we face, there is a purpose in testing our faith. God uses these moments to teach us patience, reliance, and to strengthen our faith when he does intervene.

Don’t be frustrated when you find yourself facing challenges in life that test your faith. In fact, the verse before this says to count it joy. Why? It means that God is not finished with you. He is still working on you, shaping you, teaching you, and strengthening you. While you may not see it right now, there is a purpose to the test. Keep the faith and keep trusting in God.

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