The danger of waiting until tomorrow

The danger of waiting until tomorrow
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Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. — Proverbs 27:1

Recently, I read a story about a Christian who had a wonderful testimony of service for God. He was well known throughout his local region as a man of God, having served in various areas. Most of all, he was known for his work in guiding children to a knowledge of Christ in his local church. Sadly, this Christian with such a wonderful reputation passed away.

Obviously, there is cause for celebration as his testimony would have us believe that those who have accepted Jesus as Savior will be reunited with this man once again. The tragedy is that his passing was sudden. It was as if he was here one day, completely fine. The next day, he was gone!

Not one of us knows what tomorrow holds for our lives. We often talk about tomorrow as if it is a given, but that’s not true. I actually love what one writer said. He said, “The distant and immediate future belongs to God. They are not ours.” It’s not something we can place a claim on and guarantee we will receive it.

So many times, our focus on tomorrow revolves around putting things off today. We neglect to do the things we should do today because there is always tomorrow. But there is a danger of waiting until tomorrow because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Sometimes, those things are minor things. But what about the big things, like living for God?

There are many times in life God wants to use us now, in the present time. But instead of letting God use us now, we say that we will wait until tomorrow. What if today was your final day in this life, and you knew there was no tomorrow? Would you still tell God to wait until tomorrow? Don’t put off living for God until tomorrow. Live for Him today as if there were no tomorrow!

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