What are your plans?

What are your plans?
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A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps. — Proverbs 16:9

There is one thing about my wife, she loves to plan things. She may tell someone that she doesn’t like to plan a lot of things, but she really does, especially when it involves things like vacations or plans for our family. She likes to know where she is going, what she is doing, where she will eat, etc. I often laugh because I used to be the one planning things.

Not long ago, she grew frustrated with me because she wanted to plan a vacation. She dreamed up a lot of different ideas and plans, asking me what I wanted to do. I gave the response I typically do, “I don’t care.” Yes, I should have had a better conversation with her about it and shared my thoughts, but I didn’t.

In life, there are many things that we have to plan. We may plan a trip, a night out, or even what we intend to do over the weekend. But so many times, those plans revolve around us alone. We may make plans but never give any consideration to God or the things of God!

There are many people that may say I am crazy for suggesting that we include God in all the details of our life, but I truly believe He is interested. Thinking about where to go and what to do? Pray that God guides you and that if He directs your path there, He gives you safety and protection throughout the journey.

Maybe it’s a vacation, a hike, a yard project, or anything else. As you plan things, include God! Tell Him the desire and ask Him for guidance and protection. God is not just interested in your life when you are in church or in trouble. He is interested in every single detail of every day. What are your plans? No matter what they are, don’t leave God out!

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