Would you make the list?

Would you make the list?
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And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment. — Hebrews 11:36

There are certainly a lot of mixed opinions about professional sports these days, but I have been a fan of baseball for many years. The game has certainly changed at the highest level, but there’s something I love about going to a Minor League baseball game. Why? Because those players are playing for something!

They play and try harder than most players at any other level. They give it their all in an attempt to make their name known in their quest to get to the Majors. They want their names on the list of scouts and executives. They want to be known for their hard work, skills and for what they can contribute if given a chance.

We often read through Hebrews 11 and read through those who were placed on a list because of their faith. These names are some of the heroes of the Bible, known for exhibiting faith in some of the most difficult and trying times of life. But then you come to verse 36, and it says, “and others.” There are many others that could be mentioned for their faith. They were known for it.

As we walk through this life, we create a story about ourselves each and every day. If things continue, we will all pass away and leave this world, leaving behind our story. If those around us were asked to create a list of people who live their lives by faith, would you make the list?

The names on this list all left a story behind of faith, but so did the “others.” We cannot all find ourselves as the big names on the list, but we should all desire to be among those known for their faith. Through faith, we can leave behind a story for future generations about an amazing God who cares, loves, and provides for His children.

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