What more could you want?

What more could you want?
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Then king David sent, and fetched him out of the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel, from Lodebar. — 2 Samuel 9:5

On many occasions, I have written about our son and his adoption from China. The story of adoption thrills my heart anytime that I hear it. Why? Because these children are taken from a variety of situations and given a home. The adoption doesn’t necessarily increase their worldly possessions, but it gives them possession of a home.

There’s something special about home. While I have not lived at home in many years, anytime I return back home to see my parents, it is still home. The same goes for when I leave my home with my own family now. We may go away for a few days, but there’s some sense of relief about being at home. I always enjoy it when I see home come into view.

In the story of David and Mephibosheth, we see that David sent for Mephibosheth in Lodebar. The word Lodebar is very important to the story. As you study the word, you find that it has the meaning of nothing or having nothing. In other words, Mephibosheth had no home there, he essentially had nothing there. He was in the house of someone else. 

But King David gave Mephibosheth a home. He gave him a place at the king’s table. No more would Mephibosheth have nothing. What an amazing picture of what Jesus did for us! We were all in sin, there was nothing that we could claim for ourselves. All we had were temporary things in this world, but through Christ, we were given a place in the King’s home!

There are people all around this world who are working tirelessly for things. They want worldly possessions, the nicest homes, the fanciest cars, and the best that money can buy. In the end, we are all left with nothing apart from God. If you are a child of God rejoice! You have a heavenly home. You have a place at the King’s table. What more could you want?

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