The purpose of your life

The purpose of your life
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For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. – Philippians 1:21

There are a lot of opinions about the purpose of life. Some people say that their purpose is that of working for their employer. They have a sense of purpose each day when they start work and devote their lives to that cause. Others find a sense of purpose in helping others. Perhaps they donate their time to a mission, feeding the hungry, or serving in a wide variety of areas.

While people may talk about that as a purpose, there is a much deeper meaning of purpose in life. It seems pretty elementary to consider that everyone has a purpose in life. Why else would we exist if we had no purpose to fulfill? The surprising part is that we spend a large majority of our lives searching for that real purpose.

People will read countless books, spiritual and not-spiritual, trying to find their purpose. They want to understand where they belong, what is expected of them, and how they can contribute. Most want to know that they are making a difference and benefitting society in some manner.

While all the books and resources you may find will try to make finding the purpose in life easier, Paul gives a pretty easy description to help us understand the purpose of our lives. He says that to live is Christ. It means that the purpose of life is to put Christ at the center of it all. To glorify Him in all we do. To point others to Him in all that we do.

The purpose of life is can be summed up in one word. Jesus! If you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, you have purpose in life. Live your life to glorify Him. Live your life to point others to Him. In all that you do, make much of Jesus!

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