A friend like no other

A friend like no other
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A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. — Proverbs 18:24 

There are times in life you simply need a friend. Life brings about challenges and difficulties that we simply cannot face alone. Many times we find ourselves with our earthly friends and relying on them for comfort and advice.

There is nothing wrong with that type of friendship, but there are times that we may find ourselves where even our friends here are not enough. Perhaps they are busy or perhaps the situation is beyond their capacity as a friend and we feel like we are alone. If we are all honest, we have all had those feelings of being alone in our situations.

Jesus, in His teachings, described Himself as our friend. In John 15:13, Jesus mentions the great sacrifice that He made in giving His life for us where He specifically used the word friend. He didn’t use the word Savior, Redeemer, or any of the other titles that He could have used. He chose to use the word friend.

What an amazing thought that the one who gave His life for the sin of the world considers us a friend! But it goes much further than that. In Matthew 28:20, He teaches that He is always with us, but He added that he was there until the end. There’s no part of our lives as believers that we will be without our friend. No other friend can make that promise.

Our earthy friends may let us down. They may not be available or they may even leave this world long before our life is over. We may feel like we are alone, but we are not alone. We have a friend named Jesus. He’s a friend like no other and He is available to you today!

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