The real voice of truth in a world of lies

The real voice of truth in a world of lies
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The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. — Psalm 12:6

It seems that no matter where we turn today, we are stuck trying to decide if the things that we hear and read are true. We hear political leaders share terms like “fake news” or “big lies” and we are left to determine what is the truth and what is not. That can be extremely challenging.

In the earlier verses of this chapter, David talks about flattering lips, vanity, and a double heart. In other words, he is sharing about lies and deceit that we all hear. David shares that God will cut off these things, or that God will bring about judgment.

That certainly sounds like a great thing for us, but it has not happened yet. We continue to live in a world of lies and deceit. We continue to have to search through the details of every word and try to understand whether it is truth or just another lie.

As frustrating as it is, Christians have an ultimate source of truth. It is a place where we can go where we can hold on to each and every word and know that it is true. We do not have to question the things we read because we know they are true. That place is the word of God.

More than just the truth, we can use the word of God as a measuring stick to help us understand the lies and deceit of the world. The Bible may not tell us that a specific person is lying to us. It does share tips for wisdom, understanding, and discernment. So when you are torn between the words of the world, go to the source of truth. God’s word will guide us in a world of deceit.

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