Influencing others with a life of prayer and worship

Influencing others with a life of prayer and worship
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And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed. — Acts 16:25 & 26

Throughout the Scriptures, we are told of the importance of prayer and worship of God. We are told of the many types of worship. David described that he danced in worship to God. Some lifted up their voice in praise to God, as Paul and Silas did here. Others proclaimed their love and worship of God aloud.

We are also given many examples of prayer in the Bible. Jesus gave us what we refer to as the Lord’s Prayer. There are many others that bowed their head in the verses we can read to pray to God. Some were in praise, others were in difficulty, but all gave us some great examples of prayer to learn from.

I have often thought about these verses in Acts where Paul and Silas found themselves in prison. They were singing and praying, and it says that the prisoners heard them. Everyone around them knew that they were Christian by their prayers and their worship. But it was more than just the fact that they were known for their worship.

We read in verse 26 about how their was a great earthquake. The foundations of the prison were shaken, the shackles were broken, the doors were opened, and not one single person had fled the prison we learn a few verses later. Aside from Paul and Silas, there’s a good chance these were hardened criminals. These were people that would normally have fled given a chance for freedom.

It’s a challenge in these verses that we find. Are the lives of prayer and worship that we lead enough for others to know that we are Christian? More than that, are the lives of prayer and worship that we live enough to help others to live differently around us? Not only should those around us know we are Christian, but we should be such an influence that they are changed simply by being around us. How are you influencing others with your prayer and worship?

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