Eyes off the Master

Eyes off the Master
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And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. — Matthew 14:28

I didn’t always make the best decisions when I was younger. We can probably all say that if we are honest. I remember one occasion when I was spending time with someone that I worked with. He and I were working on a car together, when he said, “This would be great, I dare you to do it.”

It was a challenge for me. It wasn’t that what he asked was illegal or immoral. It was something he challenged me to do to my car that he felt would be a great thing. So I did what a lot of people would do. I decided to do it! Soon, we were making more changes and getting everything set up.

Not long after, I realized the bad idea that it was. The work we put into the car was not all that great. The pieces that we added ended up breaking. Even worse, I found myself in a group of people having to fix it because it looked terrible and I was embarrassed.

I can’t help but wonder if that’s how Peter felt after he gave this challenge to Jesus. Peter got exactly what he wanted, but soon, he learned he couldn’t handle it because he took his eyes off the Master. There are times in our lives when God does this exact thing with us.

Perhaps we are asking for something from God. God knows that we cannot handle it alone, but He gives it to us anyway. Then, we often find ourselves overwhelmed. Not because the situation was bad, but because we became distracted. We took our eyes off the Master.

Do you have something in your life that has you overwhelmed? Perhaps you thought you could handle it. Maybe you thought it was a great idea and could be fun. But you ended up distracted and took your eyes off the Master. Today is a great day to get your focus back on the Master!

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