The path where God leads

The path where God leads
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Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. — Psalm 16:11

Robert Frost is well known for his poem The Road Not Taken. The poem is written from the perspective of a traveler who comes across diverging roads in the woods. In the poem, Frost describes how the traveler would love to travel both roads, but they are unable to. They are just one traveler after all. So they inspected both roads to see where they went.

As the traveler stared at the two roads, they were each described. Both seemed to be great opportunities to explore for the traveler, as leaves lay on the ground having not been turned over that morning. But in the end, Frost describes that the one less traveled was taken and made all the difference.

There are many times in life when we must make decisions. They are not always the easiest decisions. There are times we are unsure where the decisions may lead us, but we can have assurance in the path that we take. As David writes, God will show us the path of life.

The path of God is not always the most popular. In fact, you could say it is the road less traveled as many in this world have no desire to follow God. But David writes how there is joy in the presence of God. He speaks of the happiness that is found there.

As you face decisions, don’t be afraid to take the path where God leads. It may be the road less traveled. You may not see where the road is going to take you. But in the end, there is joy and happiness there. And, borrowing the words of Frost, it will make all the difference.

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