Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. — Psalm 32:1
Some time ago, I went out to have some food with someone. We sat and talked and enjoyed our meal, and then the time came for us to pay and leave. We sat for a bit before our waitress came back around to us. We told her we were finished with our meal and that we needed to pay our check so we could leave. Her reply was, “your bill is paid.”
I was certainly confused. I knew that I had not paid for my meal and neither had my friend at lunch. The waitress explained that someone saw us sitting in the restaurant that knew us somehow. They had asked to have our check and that they could pay for our meal. What a blessing to have just a small debt paid on our behalf.
That small debt is nothing in comparison to the sin debt that I held in my life. Through His death on the cross, Jesus Christ paid my debt long before I was even aware of just how great a debt that I owed. Rather than me having to pay that debt, Jesus stepped in my place and paid that debt for me. Now, I can say that the bill is paid for my debt of sin!
David writes here in Psalm 32 about how it is a blessing for those who are forgiven of their sin. The idea of forgiven from the original text here is translated carried away. He goes one step further than carried away and announces that not only was it carried away, but it is covered. From the original text, it is translated that the sin is covered, never to be remembered anymore. Truly what a blessing that is!
So when the cares of the world have you down, or perhaps situations seem to overwhelm you, remember that you are blessed by God. Not just because you have the ability to call Him your Heavenly Father, but because Jesus Christ bore the debt of your sins, carrying them away never to be remembered anymore!