Being excited to share Christ with others

Being excited to share Christ with others
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Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath. — John 5:8 & 9

Have you ever met someone and just knew that there was something different about them? Perhaps it had been years since you had seen them. They may have found a new job or found a new outlook on life. When you find people in this situation, you certainly can see something is different about them.

I have no doubt that’s exactly how the people of Jerusalem felt after the story in John 5. This man had been dealing with his issue for 38 years. Each year as people passed by, they no doubt saw this man. They knew who he was. They perhaps passed him on the street. It’s hard to forget someone that you see like that for 38 years.

Then the man met Jesus. We all know the story and the famous words “rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” Simple, yet powerful words that were spoken by our Savior that changed this man’s life forever. No more was he dealing with his condition. Instead, he was carrying around the bed that he was stricken with for those 38 years!

As he passed by the people, I can just imagine the words that were said. I can imagine someone pointing and saying, “isn’t that him?! Is that not the guy that was laying down there year after year.” His life was changed in an amazing way, but it was a powerful testimony to what Jesus did in his life.

The man couldn’t hold it back, he was found later telling everyone about Jesus and what Jesus had done for him. I can only imagine the stories he told after waiting year after year for a chance at healing, but to find it in 7 words from the man named Jesus.

We all have a condition that we deal with year after year, just like this man. It is called sin and the only one that can heal that condition is Jesus Christ. He offered it to any and all who are willing to accept Him as Savior.

If we have, are we as excited as this man to tell others about the change in our lives? Can others see a change in us? If we have truly had a personal experience through salvation with Jesus Christ, we should be just as excited as this man to tell others about it. Others should see the difference in us. We should not fear sharing our experience with Christ to those around us. Pray today for opportunity to share and an excitement to share just like this man.

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