The things that really matter

The things that really matter
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Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. — Colossians 3:2

It can be so easy to get caught up in the things of this world. New cars, new houses, and new gadgets are always available. Businesses around the world spend their time doing everything they can to gain your affection for their latest invention.

Besides that, we can also become so obsessed with other things like wealth, fame, or pleasure. The world tells us we should strive for each of those to achieve greatness and make our name known around the world. Paul gives a clear warning about that here in Colossians.

It is important to take care of things in this world, but we can too easily become obsessed with the things of this world. They can easily consume our thoughts and actions so much that we lose sight of what is most important.

We can spend our lives working toward all the things of this world and at the end of the day, we will be left empty. Not because we did not achieve them, but because they can never satisfy. Our hearts will never be satisfied through chasing the world’s gratification.

Instead of focusing on these things, we should be more consumed by our relationship with God. We should be more focused on our families and share the importance of a Godly life in front of them. Our neighbors should know that we are Christian as we live a Christian witness in front of them.

Paul gave these people the reminder that should still ring true to us today. We should not focus tirelessly on the things of this world. We need to keep our focus on the things that are most important.

Rather than focusing on fame, pleasure, and fortune, we should focus on the things of heavenly importance. They are what truly matter.

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