He will hold our hand

He will hold our hand
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For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. — Isaiah 41:13

Many times I laugh at my son when he tells me that he is strong. It usually happens when he has fallen and scratched his knee or elbow. He will often times jump straight up and after looking at it, he will tell me he is strong and that he is ok.

That same can also go away when he is in an uncertain circumstance. It does not happen often, but sometimes he will become afraid or nervous. His first response is to grab the hand of either me or my wife. He believes that as long as he is holding on to our hand, nothing can hurt him. He trusts that he will be protected.

We often talk about God holding our hands. Many hymns or other songs talk about Him holding our hands. Yet, do we really realize what that signifies and how amazing it really is?

When Isaiah wrote these words, he was writing to a nation that had struggled for quite some time. Through invasion and captivity, the children of Israel had become discouraged and no doubt fearful for all the things they were facing. Yet, they could find strength by holding to the hand of God.

The children of Israel could rely on God because God had the situation under control. There was nothing beyond His reach, His protection, and His guidance.

Life throws a wide variety of situations at us that can cause us to have fear. We may worry about what tomorrow will hold, what a circumstance can hold, or even worry about just matters in day-to-day life.

Even though things may be uncertain, we have a Heavenly Father that will be right beside us. He will be holding our hand and He will be guiding us through the situation and He has promised that He will help us. How wonderful to know that He is there and will hold our hand!

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