The importance of rest

The importance of rest
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And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. — Genesis 2:2

One of the hardest things to do in life seems to be resting. We are all so busy rushing around with so many things to do. Between work, family, events, church, and more, our lives seem to be the complete opposite of rest.

Even on our day of worship, a day that we typically set aside, we often find ourselves rushing around to and from church service and often filling the day with church activities. Not that those activities are bad, but it can stand in our way of rest.

From the beginning, God shared with us the importance of rest. God even chose to rest after 6 days of creation. He set apart a day specifically for rest, giving us clear guidance that rest is important.

Throughout the Bible Scripture talks about the importance of rest and how we can find rest. The psalmist wrote of rest, Jesus spoke of rest. It’s such a common theme that we should probably pay attention to rest.

It’s important because rest provides vital rejuvenation to our bodies physically and spiritually. No one can go about their lives without periods of rest. But that seems to be exactly what we try to do.

As we take a few moments to reflect today, it is important to keep in mind the importance of rest. It is important that we care for ourselves.

God shared the example of rest for us from the beginning and a lot of Scripture about rest. Perhaps this is a great opportunity to find rest and rejuvenation amid your busy life.

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