Truths that no one can change

Finding stability in an ever changing world
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But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. — 1 Peter 1:25

It is no secret that our world is changing every day before our eyes. I will never forget the first time we had internet access and hearing that infamous dial-up tone. As a teenager, I spent time on various instant messengers, on email, and in the early stages of social media. Now, those days of instant messaging are almost gone as we can simply text message.

Cellphones sure have changed a lot, too. I remember my first phone and a text message took multiple clicks on the numbers to go through the sequence to get to the letter and case you wanted. Now, we have phones that are nothing but screens, that pull up a full keyboard when you want to type and send a message.

While there have been advances in technology, we have also seen some rapid changes in culture as well. Our world has been infiltrated with radical ideas that Christians have been told to accept. We are told that we should be loving and accepting of sinful lifestyles, simply because they “were born that way.” We are told we should accept murder of children, because it is a woman’s right to choose her own “healthcare.”

While the society and culture around us may change, God and His word never changes. What the Bible said centuries ago is still true today. Sin is still sin, even if the world wants to call it a lifestyle or a choice. Murder is still murder, even if the world wants to call it healthcare.

Our world and society is doing anything they can to change the labels on sin to make it more acceptable. You can label it anything you want, the Bible is clear. Sin is still sin. God is still God. God’s word endures forever. No matter what our world tries to change, it can never change those truths.

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