The sanctity of life must not be forgotten

The sanctity of life must not be forgotten
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Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee. – Jeremiah 1:5

There are a lot of people that will argue over the concept of life in our day. We constantly hear arguments on both sides of the aisle. Some argue it is a woman’s right to choose, but in doing so it completely leaves God out of the equation.

Some may argue with that statement and say “how can you believe the woman has left God out of the equation if she chooses to have an abortion?” You can simply look at the scripture here in Jeremiah 1:5 for your answer.

This verse tells us that before the child was formed and before the child came from the womb, God knew that child and had a plan for its life. If God has a plan for a child’s life before they are born, it seems that taking that child’s life would not be involving God in the process.

While people around the world may want to argue over the sanctity of life, for the Christian it should not be an argument at all. God clearly says that life begins in the womb and we must pray for and fight for the sanctity of life.

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