What a Shepherd He is!
We don't have to worry about tomorrow because our Shepherd has it under control.
We don't have to worry about tomorrow because our Shepherd has it under control.
In moments of weakness, we should trust the Shepherd.
Instead of fighting God, we should realize our dependence on the Shepherd and give Him full control of our lives.
You will never face a single day where God, our Shepherd, does not care for you.
Rather than demanding of God and grumbling about things, maybe we should take a moment to look at our cup.
Don't feel like you are alone in whatever life brings, God, our Shepherd, is with you.
In those moments when you feel like you simply cannot go on and that you want to give up, remember ...
We can take comfort in our Good Shepherd today. He is truly all we will ever need.
We have a guard over our lives and if things pass through the door of Jesus, it will keep us ...
Sometimes God sends a moment of rest in our lives so we can enjoy the comfort our Shepherd!