God has been good
While the journey may not have been easy, God has been good.
While the journey may not have been easy, God has been good.
True happiness and satisfaction in life can only be found in the one true God.
In life, there are many obstacles that can get in our way, but we should never let them keep us ...
Instead of running to everyone and everything else for protection, we should immediately go to God!
God did not design you for fear. Instead, He designed you for faith.
Don't give up your hope amid the challenges of life. Instead, take comfort in the one who will never leave ...
If everything you had in this world were taken away today, would you have anything left that matters to you?
Rest assured, you have the most reliable security that exists in God!
While you may not be able to hear Him, see Him, or feel HIm, God has not forgotten you!
Whether you need light or protection, God can give you both!