Prayer Requests

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


God help me help my family financially, I pray both of my kids have homes of their own one day and very very very soon, Lord shield us all and keep us whole, sane, healthy, sound and safe, deliver us from every evil and lead us not into temptation, even my future grandkids, Lord let my kids be better at parenting than me and their dad 77x7 times better, let all of my grandkids be healthy, and of whole, sound, and saved minds, hearts, bodies and souls, Hallelujah, I decree and declare it, Lord, I also pray for unity, we already live far and miss out from extended family, I pray me and my hubby, my 2 kids and their hubby's, and all of their future kids and our in laws, live no more than 60 miles from each us/each other, at any given time, Lord have mercy, and even closer, by Your Grace, Love and Redemption, Lord Jesus bless my kids and let them have homes of their own soon, and always walk in the Kingdom of God along with their families, Hallelujah, break the divided family curse, now and for good, oh Lord, oh dear Jesus hear me, bless and multiply our families like You did to Abraham, and multiply our gatherings together, we are not worthy Lord, but we are reconciled by the Blood of Your only Son, Jesus Christ, through faith, and in His Holy Name Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

Reiter families'

Received: July 15, 2024

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