God did not design us to go through life alone. He created our lives so that we can help each...
Read moreDetailsGod is the great deliverer from trouble. Trust in Him no matter what you are facing.
Read moreDetailsDon’t place your faith in people of this world. Make sure that the focus of your faith is God!
Read moreDetailsThe world around us may revolve around excuses. Rest assured, when God's involved, there are no excuses.
Read moreDetailsDon't put your trust in anyone else but God. With God, you're in good hands!
Read moreDetailsOur lives were created to bring forth fruit for God. We cannot produce fruit as we were designed to do...
Read moreDetailsSometimes life is scary. But don't lose faith. Our Heavenly Father is more than capable of protecting and helping you.
Read moreDetailsWe must prioritize family, friends, and all the little things we often talk about. But above all, we must prioritize...
Read moreDetailsPeople around us are watching every step we take. Where are our steps leading them?
Read moreDetailsThe world may see us as worthless, but to God, He sees us as worth the price that was paid!
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