Reliable security

Reliable security
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Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. — 2 Timothy 2:19

Recently, I was attempting to watch a clip of some recent news online when I was given an ad to watch before the clip played. The ad was a security system ad. The company shared how they had cameras, sensors for doors and windows, and a reliable contact center that could get police, fire, or medical services quickly.

At the end of the ad, the pitch was that the service was a reliable security service. They had a guarantee that they would provide, showing that they were committed to your protection and safety. At the end of the ad, it showed a few awards that the company had received for their services.

For anyone looking for safety and security, the ad was compelling. While the company could not physically secure your windows and doors, their services would give you a sense of security. Best of all, they claimed that they were the most reliable security in existence. Their services may be good, but there is a security that is more reliable than this!

The security that we have in God is a sure thing. Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, you are secure and sealed. God knows who each of His children are, but most importantly he is providing reliable security to them all. Nothing can pluck you from His hand as the scripture says.

Do you often worry about your security? You don’t have to. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, you are saved and secure in God. This doesn’t mean that you are perfect. It does mean that you are forgiven and have a new nature that strives to be like God every day. Rest assured, you have the most reliable security that exists in God!

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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