Repair the broken

Repair the broken
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And Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me. And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that was broken down. — 1 Kings 18:30

There is something rewarding when you have the opportunity to repair something that is broken. There are many times in life I can remember things that were broken. Maybe it was a small trinket. At other times, it was something like a vehicle or something in our home.

Often, I look for an opportunity to try and fix things myself. Depending on the expertise that is needed, there are many things that can be fixed easily. My wife has often laughed at my ability to search on YouTube and quickly find a video showing me how to repair something. After a quick part purchase, I was on my way to repairing the item.

Life is filled with moments when things are broken. Sometimes, those things are broken because they are worn out. But other times, we find they are broken because of neglect or failure to maintain them. If we don’t keep things in proper working order, they will need repair, just like the altar here in this verse.

Elijah knew the solution was to rebuild the altar, but the people would never appreciate it without proof that it needed to be done. He proved it to them when Baal’s prophets were unable to call down fire from Heaven. But many times, we don’t need such amazing proof. In fact, often, we know what needs to be repaired without much searching.

Are there things in your life in need of repair? Perhaps it’s a prayer life that has fallen apart. Maybe you used to read the word of God regularly but have stopped. Whatever needs repair in your life, today is a great day to repair the broken. Instead of ignoring it, take the step to repair it!

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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