Seeing what is right

Seeing what is right
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Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. — Ephesians 5:10

I’ll never forget when I was younger and my brother was born. He is almost 11 years younger than me, so I still remember him as a young child. As he got older, I remember he tried to learn things and mom and dad would always say to let him watch. It was an easy way for him to learn how to do things when he watched someone else do it.

The same became true when we adopted our son. As he began to learn things, he learned much easier when he watched someone. He would copy their actions and if he couldn’t copy them, he would immediately start over and try again. Soon, he was learning how to build blocks, play games, and other things.

In life, we often learn by looking at the example of others. We watch how they live, how they walk, how they talk, and whether we want to admit it or not, we pick up those characteristics as we go through our lives. Just as we learn from others, those around us are learning from us as well.

In this verse, Paul reminds that our lives should be proving what is acceptable to God. He shared many examples, such as talking, idolatry, sexual sin, and many more. He spoke of walking in the light rather than in darkness. But then says we do these things not just because they are right, but because it helps others see what is right.

If someone were to look at your life, would they see what is right? If they listen to our words, watch how we walk, and see how we go about our days, would they see Christ in you? They should! It isn’t saying that we are perfect, but we should live our lives so that God can shine through.

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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